If you are looking for refresher Autocad training in ?
Do you have a list of questions you need to ask about Autocad software?
With 20+ years of CAD training experience, I can provide a remote nationwide in-house CAD training service for individuals.
Plus on option to subscribe to a service, which you can use if you get stuck.
Ideal for those who may use Autocad software infrequently.
A flexible format which is more likely to answer your questions, than a fixed topic based Autocad training course.
Typically other training courses are offered in separate Basic, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Individual attention can be diluted by the size of larger groups of trainees, due to economic pressures. Instructors aren't allowed to cover topics if they are included at a higher level.
So you might appreciate the almost individual attention in smaller groups which are typical of in house training.
Especially as laptops and software can be provided, which can be set up independently in a meeting room.
Courses held on your premises can be a better solution because intermediate and advance topics can be covered if relevant to you. With the exception of customisation topics for commercial reasons.
Current CAD operators can start with a list of questions which can then be applied to your CAD work. Refreshers typically appreciate going over the basics again, with a selection of intermediate and advanced topics included.
Training hours are from 9.30 to 4.30 with an hour for lunch so there is more time available to keep on top of your emails and messages.
An added bonus is that you will probably avoid a commute through rush hour traffic to a training venue.
To receive an email which provides full details and pricing to suit your requirements:-
email [email protected]
or call free on 0800-1976281 to discuss with a trainer.
For some useful pointers click to our national web site click here
To check what's covered on an Autocad Essentials course click here
To check what's covered on an Autocad Intermediate course click here