Looking for a CAD qualification course in Ba3?
Special rates for individuals in corona virus crisis - £24 per month - remote
Many employers distrust CAD qualifications because CAD skills decline if not used. They do however look favourably on candidates who can demonstrate good current CAD skills.
You can learn to use CAD from your home, on a no contract basis up to a CAD skills qualification, with current CAD skills for your CV.
* Posted manual
* 3 hrs 1 to 1 training to get you started
* Work through the manual at your own pace with email support
* Practice your CAD skills by copying PDF files taken from actual CAD work
* Offer current CAD skills to local employers such as electrical contractors, heating & ventillation installers, CCTV installers, Event management etc.,
That's why many employers favour candidates with current CAD skills,
over others with just paper certificates.
If you don't have Autocad software (It's free for 3 years if you are a student)
Or we can supply Windows PC based free to practice Autocad compatible CAD software.
To receive an email which provides full details and pricing:-
email [email protected] or call free on 0800-1976281 to discuss with a trainer.